Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized March 10 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 40

March 10 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 40

Join us for Morning Worship and another message from Pastor Reigle’s series of sermons from the Gospel of John.  The message is titled “If Only, If Only, If Only” and is based on John 11:17-44.  We will be guided in answering these questions:
— Why is this last miracle John records perhaps the most significant?
— What was Jesus’ purpose in what He said and did?
— How did Jesus meet both Mary’s and Martha’s needs?
— What did Martha’s words elicit from Jesus?
— How did she respond to Jesus’ words?
— Why did Jesus weep (verse 35)?
— What did this funeral become?
— What two truths emerge from this event?
— Have you learned from them in your life?

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