Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized September 22 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 63

September 22 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 63

Join us for Morning Worship and Pastor Reigle’s message titled “He Saw and Believed.” This sermon is based on John 20:1-10 and will guide us in answering these questions:
— What detail regarding the hurried effort to discover Jesus’ empty tomb does John alone of the four gospel writers record? — How does John examine the empty tomb?
— How does Peter examine it?
— Peter “saw” (verse 6); John “saw” (verse 8). What was significant in John’s “seeing”?
— What did John “believe” (verse 8)?
— Do we really “believe”? Do our actions and our daily lifestyles give evidence of our belief?

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