September 19 – Astonished, Astounded, Amazed…

September 17th, 2010 by admin

Pastor Reigle’s Morning Worship sermon is titled “Astonished, Astounded, Amazed…” and is based on Psalm 8.  Join us as he guides us to answer these questions:
— How was this 8th Psalm used through the centuries?
— Where is God’s original intention for man spelled out?
— Who is the subject of Psalm 8?  Who is not?
— How is each described?
— With what are we confronted in this Psalm?
— The New Testament’s counterpart to Psalm 8 (Hebrews 2:5-8) completes the Psalm.  What happened to God’s intention?
— To whom does Hebrews apply Psalm 8?
— What does this mean to you and me?

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