April 3 – Courage and Conviction… For Such a Time as This – Part 8

March 30th, 2011 by admin

Join us for Morning Worship when Pastor Reigle will continue guiding us through the book of Esther.  His message will cover Esther 7:1-10 and will help us to answer these questions:
— For what did Esther ask the king?
— What was the king’s response?
— What is always the result when a person is confronted with the truth?
— What did the king do?
— What did the rich, young ruler do?
— In verse 10, of what is there a foreshadowing?
— What is its purpose whenever it is found in Scripture?
— Haman’s evil had fully ripened. It was dealt with on a cross. Do you daily put to death the attempts of the flesh to influence you?
— When will God execute judgment on this earth?

As part of Morning Worship we will celebrate Holy Communion.

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