Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized August 4 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 57

August 4 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 57

Join us for Morning Worship and the next sermon in Pastor Reigle’s lessons from the Gospel of John. The sermon is titled “Uniformity, Unanimity, Union, or Unity?” and is based on John 17:20-26. We will be guided in answering these questions:
— What two realities are to co-exist within the Body of Christ?
— In what is that oneness/unity rooted?
— Is this High Priestly Prayer of Jesus the “real” Lord’s Prayer?
— For what does Jesus pray?
— How are we to understand “unity” as portrayed in Jesus’ prayer?
— This truth can be understood from verse 26: _______ without _______ is ___________. ________ without _________ is __________.
— Do we maintain that delicate balance in our lives and in our church?

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