Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized August 7 – Conscience of a Nation – Part 7

August 7 – Conscience of a Nation – Part 7

Join us for Morning Worship and the next message in Pastor Reigle’s sermon series about John the Baptist. The scripture lesson for the morning is Mark 6:17-29. We will consider these questions:
— What is the “most democratic of all experiences”?
— How did Jesus respond to it in the case of Lazarus?
— In the case of John the Baptist?
— What two principles emerge from Mark’s record of John the Baptist’s death?
— John’s death reminds us of what these truths about the experience we all will one day face (unless the Lord returns in our day!)?
— To what can the wickedness of Herod be a challenge to us?

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