Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized December 2 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 31

December 2 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 31

In Morning Worship Pastor Reigle resumes his series of sermons from the Gospel of John with a message titled “The Living Light.”  It is based on John 8:12-20.  Pastor Reigle will guide us in answering these questions:
— What festival did the Illumination of the Temple commemorate in Jesus’ day?
— What “I Am” statement did Jesus pronounce in the midst of the celebration?
— With that “I Am” who was Jesus claiming to be?
— How did the Pharisees respond to Jesus’ claim?
— Through whom do we find our knowledge of God?
— How do we possess the “Light”?
— How do we stay with the “Light”?
— What is the “other side of the coin” of Jesus’ pronouncement as “Light of the world”?
— Are we doing so?

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