Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized December 9 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 32

December 9 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 32

Join us for Morning Worship and the next message in Pastor Reigle’s series of sermons from the Gospel of John.  The message is titled “The Great I Am” and is taken from John 8:21-30.  We will consider these questions:
— In declaring Himself to be the “Light of the world,” what was Jesus claiming?
— What is one of the key themes, or mega-themes, found in John?
— Whom did God command to use the name “I Am” in the Old Testament book of Exodus?
— How do people generally view Jesus today?
— How do we need to view Him?
— Because He is the great “I Am,” for what does Jesus call each of
— Are you doing so?

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