Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized July 14 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 54

July 14 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 54

In Morning Worship Pastor Reigle will present a message titled “Life’s Little Whiles.” This is the next sermon in his series from the Gospel of John. It is based on John 16:16-33 and guides us in answering these questions:
— What event in Jesus’ life had to occur prior to the coming of the Holy Spirit?
— What three-letter word does John use six different times in these verses?
— What three-word phrase does Jesus use seven different times in verses 16-19?
— What can we learn from those occasions?
— What important principles should be grasped from verses 16-22?
— With what is that connected?
— We’re to pray in Jesus’ name. What constraints does that bring?
— Into what else does joy spill over in our lives?
— In what then is this joy fleshed out?
— Is it yours today?

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