Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized July 22 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 18

July 22 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 18

Join us for Morning Worship and the next sermon in Pastor Reigle’s series about the Gospel of John.  This week’s message focuses on John 5:1-15 and is titled “Miracle at Bethesda.”  We will consider these questions:
— What is the Apostle John’s purpose in selecting the events he does to include in the fourth gospel?
— What had the Pool of Bethesda become?
— Why is verse 4 omitted from the New International Version as well as some other translations?
— What did Jesus mean when He asked “Do you want to get well”?
— Why might someone answer “No”?
— Of whom is the question in verse 6 asked?
— What instruction does Jesus give in verse 14?
— What do you need to do in response to Jesus’ question in verse 6 and His instruction in verse 14?

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