Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized March 20 – Courage and Conviction… For Such a Time as This – Part 7

March 20 – Courage and Conviction… For Such a Time as This – Part 7

Join us for Morning Worship when Pastor Reigle will preach from Chapter 6 of Esther.  The following questions will be addressed:
— What proved to be the turning point in the fortunes of both Haman and Mordecai?
— What discovery by King Xerxes makes the three verses at the end of Esther 2 (21-23) so important?
— What is there none of in the Christian’s life?
— How can pride be described?
— What man who had saved his life did King Xerxes desire to honor?
— Who does the Christian seek to honor?
— Are our lives an indicator of that desire?
— On what do reversals turn?

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