Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized May 13 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 10

May 13 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 10

Join us for Morning Worship and the next in a series of messages from Pastor Reigle on the Gospel of John. The sermon is titled “The Non-Negotiables of the New Birth” and is based on John 3:1-21. We will consider these questions:
— What do we learn about Nicodemus from John 3?
— Is anything to be made of Nicodemus’ late night visit to Jesus?
— How does the new birth come about?
— What is often overlooked in Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus?
— Why is that largely missing from gospel messages today?
— For what do we need to thank God?
— For what do we need to pray?

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