Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized May 26 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 49

May 26 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 49

Join us for Morning Worship and a message from Pastor Reigle titled “Remedy for Troubled Hearts.” This continues our study in the Gospel of John and deals with John 14:15-31. We will consider these questions:
— What three emotions were present in the Upper Room that night that still find their way into people’s lives?
— What three words in John 14:21 are an antidote to the above three emotions?
— What promise did Jesus give the disciples in verse 18?
— How would that be accomplished?
— What is the meaning of “Paraclete?”
— How does Jesus speak of this One?
— What will this One bring to the followers of Christ (verse 27)?
— What are our resources for peace?
— Are they yours today?

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