Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized November 20 – Set Apart … by Faith – Part 7

November 20 – Set Apart … by Faith – Part 7

Join us for Morning Worship and the next message in Pastor Reigle’s sermon series on faith. The message is titled “One Happy Camper” and focuses on Abraham and Sarah. Nearly a third of the verses in Hebrews 11 are devoted to Abraham and Sarah. Pastor Reigle will guide us in answering these questions:
— From where was Abraham called by God?
— What was his response to God’s call?
— When did his pilgrimage of faith begin?
— What two things set Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Hebrews 11: 9) apart from others?
— By what was Abraham’s route of faith marked?
— By what are our routes marked?

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