Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized November 27 – Set Apart … by Faith – Part 8

November 27 – Set Apart … by Faith – Part 8

In Morning Worship Pastor Reigle will present the next sermon in our study of Hebrews 11. The sermon is titled “Fugitive, Vagabond or Pilgrim” and focuses on Hebrews 11:8-16. We will consider these questions:
— What sets apart the one living as a Christian pilgrim?
— v. 8a – How does the believer hear God today?
— vs. 8b-9 – What’s the outward evidence of an inward faith?
— v. 10 – On whom must our eyes be focused?
— vs. 13b-14 – What must be our inner compulsion?
— vs. 15-16 – Of what is the life of faith?

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