Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized January 20 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 35

January 20 – On Holy Ground … the Gospel of John – Part 35

In Morning Worship Pastor Reigle will continue the message titled “Blind Man’s Bluff” as part of his sermon series from the Gospel of John.  This message is based on John 9:13-41.  We will look at these questions:
— Of what was Jesus guilty (v. 16)?
— This was sufficient to characterize Him as what?
— The ranges of personalities involved in this account are intriguing:
Blind man —
Blind man’s parents —
Pharisee —
— The blind man’s stages of spiritual sight are ones each of us must come to accept:
1.  v. 11 —
2.  v. 17 —
3.  v. 33 —
4.  vs. 35b, 38 —
— What is the formerly blind man the first to become?
— How can he be a model for the church?
— Will he be that for you?

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