Christ E. C. Church, Allentown, PA Uncatagorized October 3 – Having Trouble Remembering?

October 3 – Having Trouble Remembering?

Join us for Morning Worship as Pastor Reigle continues a series of sermons from the Psalms.  This week’s sermon is titled “Having Trouble Remembering?” and is based on Psalm 106.  Join us as he guides us to answer these questions:
— To what event in the New Testament is Psalm 106 an Old Testament prelude?
— How can Psalm 106 be titled?  When may it have been penned?
— This Psalm speaks of how God has acted in history.  How can history be described?
— How does history give us confidence to face the future?
— From where does that confidence come?
— How does remembering His-Story/recalling God’s acts in history begin?
— How are you doing so?
— What enduring memorial do we have as a reminder of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ?

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